Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Window Art

Here's a quick activity to do with your lower level students.  All you need are some dry erase markers and windows :)

German 1 is currently doing a weather unit.  First I had students work with their groups to list types of weather common for each season.  I then assigned each group a season and a window - their job was to decorate the window with pictures and descriptions of weather for that season.  I had five groups instead of four, so I had the fifth group instead do "unusual" weather.  I also had groups come up with five different weather expressions for their topic.

Here's how some of them turned out:

"Unusual" Weather


The students had a lot of fun just because it was something different.  It's an activity I'd like to do again, probably when German 2 does body parts.  I would recommend using brighter colors (no black or brown), just because they're not as visible from a distance.

- Frau Leonard


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I actually did this in level 2 today (and then had a follow up worksheet the kids had to fill out using past tenses), and they LOVED it!!! Recht herzlichen Dank!!!

    1. Glad you liked it! I can't wait to try and incorporate it again with another class - my German 1 class had so much fun with it!

  2. يمكنك الآن الحصول على الخصومات التي تقدمها شركة العنود في فرع شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة المتخصصة و التي تقدم كافة خدمات تنظيف خزانات بمكة بمهارة عالية و في اسرع وقت ممكن

  3. بادر بالحصول على كافة خدمات صيانة وايت وستنجهاوس المتكاملة بأقل الاسعار في مصر من فروع مراكز صيانة وايت وستنجهاوس التي تساعدك على اصلاح جميع اجهزة توكيل وستنجهاوس الكهربائية
